*Besides my chubby face, I thought this picture turned out pretty cute! ;)*
We had a great Christmas 2010 and loved spending it in Idaho like we always do! The girls didn't get everything they wanted, but they were happy and excited and loved what they did get. I have learned that there is nothing wrong with a simple Christmas! It is easier to try and focus on the true meaning and it also eliminates the expectation of always getting exactly what they want!
While we were there and had all of my family home we decided to bless Sophie. Dave gave a great blessing and like the other two girls, he wasn't able to stop the tears from coming. He is definitely a softy when it comes to his little girls, even if he won't admit it!! :)
Little Sophers(as Dave so often calls her) is continuing to grow. She is almost 2 months now and it is going too fast. She is a really good baby and sleeps and eats well. She definitely has a similar look as her sisters, but is starting to get her own look too. I think my favorite part is that she already has long, naturally curled, eyelashes. You can kind of see them in this picture. It will be fun to see what she looks like and what her little personality will be when she gets older...but there is definitely no rush!!
All of Mimi and Bapa's grandkids!!! A pretty dang cute bunch of kiddos, all in their Christmas Sunday best!!
All these kids play so well together, and it makes it that much more fun to get together.
Santa stopped for a visit on Christmas Eve and the girls were so excited. They couldn't believe he took the time to stop by before his big night! :)
The kids spent a lot of time playing MarioKart on the Wii and all really enjoyed their vacation!
A fun package came in the mail with lots of red, flashing reindeer noses! We thought they were pretty fun!
*Tricia...these pictures are for you*
You have such beautiful girls! That is so nice of you to bless your girls at home so everyone is there. I love the blessing dress!!!
(and you look so good for just having a baby... you suck!)
Your girls are adorable and little Sophie is growing so much!! Way fun to celebrate Christmas at home! I love the reindeer noses!
Tiff...you are beautiful.
and your family...sheesh...the same.
Tiff, you look gorgeous! Your whole family is adorable. We miss you all.
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