Sunday, May 22, 2011


Brynlee had her dance recital this past week and it was so much fun to watch. I was so happy that she wasn't scared at all and very excited to get on stage and perform. We had an incidence probably 6 months ago where she was supposed to sing in church and totally chickened out, so I was a little nervous. She really loves dance and seems to do a pretty good job. She stays on beat well, and sure knows how to shake her hips! :) I was very proud of her, and can't wait for many more years to come!
This is Brynlee and her best little friend Aislee. They are such great little friends and we are so grateful her family is our next door neighbors. I'm pretty sure her mom and I wouldn't survive without each other!! They unfortunately weren't in the same class, but both still had a great time. 
These little girls are all good friends. A couple are in our ward and I'm pretty sure all but one are in Kindergarten. Such a cute group of girls!!



Pretty good job? Look who her mom is im sure she did AWESOME!!! You are the best dancer I have ever seen! Aniston had her recital too I wish soooo bad they danced together!!

thepainterfamily said...

adorable...she looks like such a pro up there on that big stage! Seriously, you can tell how into it she really is!

The apple doesn't fall far... :)

Jamie said...

You're right Tiff...we wouldn't survive without each other. Love you friend!!!