Thursday, March 24, 2011


Time is flying and little Sophie continues to grow. She is such a good baby and so much fun! She is really mellow and good natured, and has the cutest shy smile ever. (I tried really hard to catch her in a full smile but I am having serious issues with my "nice" Nikon camera. It won't fire....especially when I'm trying to take a close up. It is driving me CRAZY!! It might help if I read the manual, but something definitely isn't right!) Anyway... she still hasn't attempted to roll, but is really starting to grab at things and put things in her mouth. She really has discovered her voice and loves to squeal. She is starting to show interest in her feet, but hasn't mastered the skill of grabbing them yet. She is already showing signs of "stranger danger" and it is tripping me out a bit. Neither of my other girls were scared of other people and I can't believe how early she is showing signs. She seems to be scared to death of my dad and both of Dave's parents. It mainly seems to be men, but I really wonder what is going on inside of her little head. Like with my dad she would give him a cute little smile initially and then you could see the expression changing and she is soon bright red faced CRYING!! It is so out of character for her because she really doesn't cry often so it just blows my mind. It makes me sad because my Dad LOVES babies and the poor guy could barely look at her. :( I'm really hoping she grows out of this soon!!
As I've said before...she has chubby cheeks and pretty dang chunky thighs. Her little birthmark is bright red right now and Halle always thinks she has an owie and that it hurts. We are told often that she looks a lot like Halle and I agree. She reminds me a lot of Halle as a baby, but then there are certain times that she smiles at me and I can definitely see Brynlee too. It will be really fun to see what she looks like when she gets older! We finally put her into her crib in Brynlee's room and it has worked out a lot better than I expected. Luckily Brynlee sleeps really well and doesn't seem bothered by Sophie at all. She still sleeps pretty well, but I know she could be doing better. She usually just wakes up once to eat, but some days are better and some days are worse. We are working on it! She is such a blessing, and brings me so much joy. We sure love our little Sophie!!
4.5Month Stats:
Weight: 13.7 lbs (40%)
Height: 24in (28%)
Head: 16.5 (69%)
I thought this picture was cute because they had the same funny expression on their face! Sophie is lucky to have two very good big sisters!


5-against-1 said...

Tiffany....she is so cute!!! I can't believe how fast they grow!! I think she looks just like Halle. We miss seeing you guys! We will have to visit some time soon before Sophie gets too big.

Oh, Sweet!... said...

Oh, she is adorable! How fun it would be to have 3 girls! I love it!

thepainterfamily said...

adorable adorable!!

She looks SO much like your other girls, they are all so dang cute :)