Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sophie's 2 month stats...

My little Sophie is growing way too fast!! I love all the cute little smiles we get and the little coo's and noises she makes. It is fun that she can really focus now and enjoys watching the mobile on her swing. She still doesn't love her binky, but likes it when she is going to sleep. She usually eats every 3 hours during the day. Pretty much her routine is wake up, eat, awake for almost an hour, back to sleep, then it starts all over. She likes to be swaddled and always naps in her bed. I just take her in and wrap her up tight and she usually just turns her little head and closes her eyes. At night time (bet 7-12) she will sometimes eat every 2 hours to prepare her for the night. She almost always sleeps through the night with 6:00 being the earliest she ever wants to eat. She then goes right back to sleep. Last night she feel asleep after her 8:00 feeding and didn't wake up again to eat until 6:00. I think Heavenly Father knew that I need my sleep so he blessed me with a good sleeper. She is starting to chunk up a bit with chubby cheeks and thighs. She only poops about once every 5 days and when she does it's a royal blowout! It doesn't seem to bother her at all, so I guess we will deal with the mess. I really can't imagine our family without her in it. Here are her 2 month stats...
Weight: 11 lb 9oz (57%)
Height: 21.8 in (18%)
Head: 15.5 in (56%)


Gavin and Natalie said...

She is such a gorgeous girl!! Congrats you guys! I can't believe how big she's getting either. I loved seeing your George fam picture. What a fun, goodlooking family.

Court and Britt said...

I can't believe she is a already 2 months! She is sooooo cute!! We miss you guys! We need to get together soon:)

Emily said...

She's adorable. That is such a blessing to have a good sleeper.

5-against-1 said...

Wow, she is growing up fast and looking more and more like her sisters!!! So Cute!! You are so lucky to have her be such a good sleeper already!! Next time I come down I have to come and see her.

thepainterfamily said...

your girls are gorgeous...and little Sophie is certainly following suit!! :)

Just Us said...

She is so dang cute!!

Taylor Anne Vail said...

She is a sweetie pie, Tiff! It's always great to have a sweet baby who loves to sleep when they are suppose to!