This is the first time in several years that we didn't travel to Idaho for the 4th, so we decided to hit up some local festivities. It was hot....big surprise! The kids had a blast riding some rides, and it was fun just being together. We enjoyed the local fireworks, although they were nowhere near as impressive as the IF fireworks. I thought the girls looked cute in their little matching dresses. The 4th is such a fun holiday!!
We spent a great week in Lake Powell with the family! We were so happy the Pedersen's could join us this year, and the kids had a blast together. The kids enjoyed many tube rides and thanks to 100+ degree weather, we all practically lived in the water. I love going in July or August because the water is warmer yet still refreshing. Floating around definitely felt good on this pregnant body.
The Pedersen's, plus Brynlee...
All the kids (minus Brynlee) had a blast on the tube. It was all I could do to keep Halle hanging on. She thought it was pretty cool to ride with no hands....that is until she was bounced right off into water. Brynlee proved to be very cautious this trip and it was like pulling teeth to get her to try anything. She always wanted us to slow down while riding on the tube, and wouldn't try the houseboat slide, skiing or knee boarding (which she has done before). It was frustrating for me, but oh well! Halle on the other hand was willing to try just about anything. I wonder if it will always be this way. Either way...we sure love them both!!
Coming down the home stretch...
This was Dave's first triathlon and he did so awesome. I was so proud of him!! We were able to travel to Twin Falls/Burley just the two of us and leave the girls in Utah with Dave's parents. It was a nice break and definitely would have been too much driving for them. Although the swim was kinda difficult and freaked him out a bit, he still finished 2nd in his division (out of about 80) and came home with a little spudman trophy. I'm sure this won't be his last tri and it was so fun to see him do so well!
Good job Dave! 2nd is pretty dang impressive.
Wow! Congrats to Dave!
And I have to say...that trophy is the BEST I've ever seen :)
I love triathalons! Way to go Dave, and I'm glad you two got to spend some time together without the kiddos. I'm dying to see pictures of your cute belly and I hope you're feeling well. Take care!
Lake Powell looked like a blast!! I want to see some preggo pictures!!!
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