Monday, June 28, 2010

Brynlee's Gymnastic's Review...

At Brynlee's preschool this past year she got to do gymnastics on one of the days she was there. At the end of the year they did a little gym review to showcase what they have worked on the whole year. Brynlee is also doing gymnastics this summer and really liking it. Thankfully she has some coordination, strenght and flexibility so hopefully gymnastics is something she can do well at.
*Time to warm up*
*And stretch*
*Showing some strength*
*A little beam work*
*And bar work* *And a BIG Final Salute*
On her certificate her teachers said she had an awesome bridge and great flexibility. (I don't know where the certificate ended up so this is for journaling sake, not bragging). Sure love you Bryn, and so proud of all you accomplished!


thepainterfamily said...

how awesome that gymnastics is a part of her preschool!

She looks like she is having a great time :)

Just Us said...

Good job Bryn! You make a cute little gymnist. We love you and miss your cute little face.

Just Us said...

Ahhhhhh! I just saw your baby ticker. A girl!!! I am so excited for you guys. You guys make pretty little girls. What is your exact due date?

Adam and Brittany said...

She's a doll! Future we come ;-)

Rapp Family said...

So cool!! I love the activities they can do now that they are older. Jonah just got done with T-ball and it was so fun to go watch him. Your girls are beautiful, and congrats on baby girl #3!! I'm so excited for you. I hope you're feeling well. You look great!

Julie Winder said...

YOU don't have to wonder where she gets those skills from:) She looks very confident on the mats.