Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Merry Christmas 09

We had a great Christmas break this year! We always love going to Idaho and weren't disappointed when we got a great snow storm! We have to get our snow 'fix' while we are there! My girls and their cousins play so well together so it makes it that much more fun to get together! It is always so much fun seeing and spending time with family!
Both girls were really excited about Santa this year! When Brynlee was asked what she wanted she would immediately go through her whole list...."a guitar, a pogo stick, a suitcase, an umbrella, and a purse!" Quite the list!! Luckily these were all pretty cheap and Santa knew right where to get them....(minus the pogo stick!) We convinced her that Santa thought she needed to get a little older before she got a pogo stick! If you asked Halle what she wanted, she said "a Christmas tree!" Simple enough! I don't think she quite understood! :)
I didn't take any still pictures on Christmas morning and I'm sad I didn't! We did use our video camera, but I haven't ever taken the time to upload video so you will just have to imagine! Both girls were super happy and excited and it made it so fun for Dave and I! I will hopefully be taking a lot more pictures this year, thanks to a fun Christmas surprise for me!! Yeah!!!
I can't get this video to play, so hopefully it will work for you! I don't even know which one I uploaded so hopefully it is ok. Brynlee's preschool did a little Christmas program and it was very entertaining! She is learning so much and we are so grateful for her preschool!


thepainterfamily said...

what a great snowy Christmas!
...and, a new camera!! you are going to have so much fun, you have BEAUTIFUL subjects to shoot :)

Just Us said...

Finally a blog update. This is the only way we get our Nasal fix. Hopefully there will be more with your Christmas present. Your girls seem to be growing up so fast. We love them and miss you guys so much.

Court and Britt said...

all that snow looks fun! We miss you guys and want to come down and visit soon :) we need a dose of WARM!!! Maybe March???

Curtis & Nichole said...

you family is SO cute and grown up! wow
I loved the Lake Pal pictures. I have to say though I couldn't believe that was freddie:) hehe I haven't seen him since he went on his mission. HAHAH have I been gone that long:) You guys all look great

love ya,

p.s. Go surfer Richard!!