She loves her clogs and was so excited to wear this outfit!
Brynlee was SUPER excited to head back to preschool this year. After a lot of thought I decided to change her school from last year. We really loved her teachers and the things she was learning, but I decided to try a Montessori school this year. She is loving it and doing so well! It is right around the corner and very nice for me. I can't believe how big she is getting!
Where did you find her clogs? They are so cute. We tried to buy some for my daughter before we went to Disneyland because they make her tall enough to ride on the rides, but the only ones we found were way too small. And by the way, I thought your mom was your sister. You guys are so cute. I'm glad you had a fun trip together.
She's totally your daughter Tiff. She looked darling for her first day.
She is so adorable. I love her smile :) look so cute!! We love you!!
sweet, sweet, sweet! I love that she was so excited about her first day of school outfit! hehe! You are going to have some real shopping partners soon! :)
Love that girl. She is so cute cute! I bet she loves school. She is such a smartie pants. She is so grown up in primary. Not the little sunbeam she was at first. She is quite the singer. She sings her heart out during singing time.
She looks so cute! We just love preschool! I bet she does too!
Cute kids. Isn't school so fun for them....and you.
Bryn always looks so adorable. I love her clogs too. I miss that sweet face.
So cute Bryn!! We miss you guys already, come visit:)
So incredibly cute! I love her little spunky personality. It even comes through in the pictures!
She is so CUTE!!! We sure are going to miss her, Anabell would always tell me when Brynlee was at school. :) Wish we could have stayed living in SG longer, our girls could have become so close. :(
You are darling, thanks for everything, thank heavens for blogs so I can keep updated on your adorable family.
Please keep in touch!!!
Oh my gosh she is cute! You can tell she is just so excited :-) I can't believe how big she is getting!!! Crazy how time flies :-(
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